When "Body Lost Soul" - What Happened To Death Cab?

One of my favorite haunting songs of the past several years is Death Cab for Cutie's "Soul Meets Body."  Another is "Transatlanticism" (from the album of the same name).  Classic songs by one of my favorite Indie bands of the past decade.

But, both were long ago -- and Death Cab is now on its third major release since "Plans" (where "Soul Meets Body" found its home).  And, nothing from their past three albums touch the impact of those earlier tracks, albums, and overall mood and vibe.

THAT's what I miss the most!  That overall vibe.  The depth of emotion.  Those incredible lyrics.  Those intricate layers of sound.  I hear very little of that in the band's latest album Kintsugi.  Only when the band breaks away from its empty drum machine-laden tracks (which inexplicably have represented two of the album's first three singles) does the band begin to approach its former greatness.

So I ask the question, when did the band's body of work lose its soul?  And, how did that happen?

Or did my ears simply change?